Principal's Message
Welcome to Fruitland Elementary, home of the Rams!
I am excited to join the Fruitland team – I know this is a special place where learning is a focus and kids, families, and staff are cared for.
We are ready to jump into the 2023-2024 school year knowing we are BETTER TOGETHER!
I wanted to share a bit about myself as the new principal at Fruitland. This will be my 24th year in education and my 16th as a building principal. While I am new to the Puyallup School District, I have worked in both Orting and White River. I taught 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 6th grades in White River before becoming a principal. My most recent school was preschool through 3rd grade, I’m really looking forward to returning to working with older students!
I am lucky to be an aunt to three pretty special kids who will be going into the 2nd, 6th and 8th grades. I was fortunate enough to be the principal for the oldest two for five years and they were a daily reminder about doing what is best for kids! They continue to be that reminder but now it is through text messages and memes more than the daily morning hugs.
It's important to me to spend time in classrooms pulling up a chair next to students or sitting on the carpet with them asking students to read to me or share what they have learned. Both Mrs. Brinker, our Assistant Principal, and I will work to get to know kids for who they are as people as well as who they are as learners. Both are important!
Thank you for trusting us and the Fruitland staff with your most valuable treasure.
Christi Ellenwood
Principal, Fruitland Elementary